Research Papers
Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2024), Por Um Mundo Novo, a Sério - Uma Ideologia Progressista no Sec. XX, baseada na Ciência e na Experiência dos Movimentos Sociais. Edições Colibri, 350 paginas, ISBN: 9789895664009, Abril 2024 [Prefacio Colectivo]

Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2021), "e-Planning & Ubiquity / e-Planeamento & Ubiquidade", 388pp, C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866133 [apresentação] [video] [aqusição]
Alguns capitulos ( in "e-Planning & Ubiquidade", C-Press, 2021, ISBN 9789899866102):
- Capa, Prefácio, Introdução, Index, Contra-capa
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) Brief quotes and references, relating MIT Schwarzman College 2018/19 with e-Planning 1992-2008 pp32-33, 332, 337
- Ferreira Jr., J. (2021) e-Planning & Computing at MIT - Keynote by Prof. Joseph Ferreira Jr, MIT (2019) pp.35-39
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al (2021) e-Planning & Transdisciplinaridade: Intervenção na Assembleia da Republica (2019) pp.315-337
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) e-Planning & Ubquidade: Uma sintese , pp269-276
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) Introdução ao e-Planning (2012), pp73-112
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. & Ferreira Jr., J. (2021) e-Planning Seminar at MIT (2003)
, pp.91-99 [site]
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) "The Qualitative Leap of the Information & Communication Technologies / O Salto Qualitativo das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (2002) capitulo bilingue, pp. 47-72
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021) Towards Information Systems in Planning, MIT (1993) pp.103-113
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), "Towards an integrated research approach:The problem life-cycle and transdisciplinary frameworks" , pp247-268
- Schmidt, L. (2021) " Social Sciences and e-Planning: the social before and after the e" , Instituto de Ciencias Sociais , Universidade de Lisboa (2008), pp.131-136
- Marx, G.T. (2021) "From Border-Busting to Ubiquitous Computing: Some Social, Cultural and Policy Implications of Recent Changes in Information Technology", pp.151-152, MIT (2003)
- Batty, M. (2021) " Multimedia and Public Participation: Using New Information Technologies in Urban Regeneration", pp. 153-154, CASA, UCL - University College London (2003)
- Lupi Costa, V. (2021) "Ubiquidade das TIC e a (in)visibilidade da deficincia mental", CITIDEP, e-Planning Lab, FA-UL
- Barbosa Neves, B. (2021) "Envelhecimento e Tecnologias Digitais: Desafios e Oportunidades para a CPLP", pp. 287-288, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia; CITIDEP, e-Planning Lab
- Rabachini Araujo, C.E. (2021) "Cidades no pos-Covid: uma analise das novas tendências nas politicas urbanas", pp. 243-252, e-Planning Lab, Fac. Arquitectura, Universidade de Lisboa!
- Mata, L.R. (2021) "Governção Electronica: m-GIP: Contributo do Laboratorio Vivo em e-Planning", pp 205-214, e-Planning Lab, FA-ULisboa
- Fernandes, A. (2021), "Tele-Geo-Data-Processing Device: A Ubiquidade das Tecnologias Moveis ao Serviço da Ciência Participativa"
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. , Fidalgo Gonalves, J., Maia, A., Feitosa, Z. (2021), "Um Modelo e-Planning de Consulta Publica na Administração Local e Regional: O Caso Brasilia2060"
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. & Saeger, E. (2021) "e-Planning Participatory Science Methodology: The EuroLifeNet Project (2009)
- Moreira, J. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2021), Atlantico Digital em Português: A geografia da lingua como potenciador das novas TIC, para o desenvolvimento inclusivo e coeso da comunidade, pp289-293
- Barbosa Neves, B., Waycott, J, Maddox, A (2021), "When Technologies are Not Enough: The Challenges of Digital Interventions to Address Loneliness in Later Life'", Sociological Research Online (Special Issue on Loneliness).
- Barnwell, A, Barbosa Neves, B., Ravn S (2021), "Captured and captioned: Representing Family Life on Instagram", New Media & Society.
- Ponce-Lopez, Roberto and Joseph Ferreira Jr. (2021), "Identifying and characterizing popular non-work destinations by clustering cellphone and point-of-interest data," Cities 113 (2021) 103158.
- Zhou, M., Le, D., Nguyen-Phuoc, D. Q., Zegras, P. C., Ferreira Jr., J (2021), "Simulating impacts of Automated Mobility-on-Demand on accessibility and residential relocation," Cities (2021),
- Wolf, J.; Batista, P.; Marques, J.L.. "Processes of urban transformation: A typology based on urbanity, centrality and on territories' population growth,Processos de transformação urbana: uma tipificação baseada na urbanidade, na centralidade e na evolução da população dos territórios". Cidades 41 (2021): 133-155.
- Neves, BB & Mead, G (2020), "Digital Technology and Older People: Towards a Sociological Approach to Technology Adoption in Later Life", Sociology
- Neves, BB & Baecker, R (2020), "Mixing Methods and Sciences: A Longitudinal Cross-Disciplinary Mixed Methods Study on Technology to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness in Later Life", Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
- Basu, R. and Ferreira, J. (2020). Planning car-lite neighborhoods: Examining long-term impacts of accessibility boosts on vehicle ownership". Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. (v.86, Sept. 2020)
- Basu, R. and Ferreira, J. (2020). A LUTI microsimulation framework to evaluate long-term impacts of automated mobility on the choice of housing-mobility bundles. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. (v47-8, Oct. 2020)
- Batista, Paulo; 0811-D822-D230; A412-727E-E902. "An exploratory guide to identifying the preferences for territorial attributes in households housing choose". Trabalho apresentado em ICDSST 2020 - 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology on Cognitive Decision Support Systems & Technologies, Zaragoza, 2020.
Batista, Paulo. "Affordability and housing needs assessment. an exploratory territorial patterns analysis for portugal". 2020.
- Batista, P. (2018), "The Interaction Structure of e-Territorial Systems: Territory, Housing Market And Spatial Econometrics", PhD Thesis, supervisor: Anselmo Castro, E.; Joint e- Planning PhD Program UL+UNL+UA, Universidade de Aveiro.
- Pinheiro de Souza, K. ; Santos da Silva, R, ; Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2018), "Ciência Na Praça: Um Diálogo Com a Responsabilidade e Inovação Na Pesquisa", e-curriculum - v. 16, n. 2 (2018), Qualis A - CAPES, e-ISSN 1809-3876,DOI:10.23925/1809-3876.2018v16i2p315-340 (
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2018) "Citizen & Capital Mobility Today: The e-Planning Framework", Keynote , IX PostGraduate Conference on Management, Hospitality & Tourism, ESGHT-ISCAL, Ualg, 6 July 2018.
- Zhu, Y., Diao, M., Ferreira, J., & Zegras, C. (2018). An integrated microsimulation approach to land-use and mobility modeling. Journal of Transport and Land Use (JTLU), 11(1), pp.633-659,
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2017) "Gathering environmental indicators through participatory science: The e-Planning approach", in Collaborative Planning, Participation, Collective Evaluation and Decisions Making Process, IV International Conference of Community Participation in Planning, UA, 22-23 February 2017.
- Savoldi, F., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2016). "Bullying, cyber-bullying and Internet usage among young people in post-conflict Belfast". Journal Cogent Social Sciences, ISSN 2331-1886,, January 2016.
- Medeiros de Lima, H. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2016). "O potencial do uso de novas tecnologias de comunicação digital via satelite no espaço da Comunidade dos Pa’ses de Lingua Portuguesa (CPLP)", CRPP 2016, 1(10), pp 2-21, ISSN 2183-8380
- Fonseca, T. (2015), "e-Literacy, Schools and Municipalities Towards a Common Goal: e-Citizenship", Tese de Doutoramento em e-Planeamento, FC-UL (grau concedido pelas UL, UNL, UA)
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al. (2015). "Cities, Citizens and Technology", C Press, ISBN 9789899866119
- Gertman, S., Ferreira Jr., J., Goodspeed, R.,and Stillwell, J. (editors) (2015), Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities, Springer, New York, ISBN:1863-2246.
- Sousa Rocha, M., Ferraz de Abreu, P., Roque, S. (2015). "From Territorial Asymmetry to Digital Asymmetry", in "Cities, Citizens and Technology", C Press, ISBN 9789899866119
- Mata, L.R. (2015). "Net Neutrality or Controlled Discrimination: The Future of Internet", in "Cities, Citizens and Technology", C Press, ISBN 9789899866119
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2015). "Knowledge representation of infrastructure shortfalls: Models for expert & citizen input". Journal of Participatory Science (JPS), 1(8), pp. 43-54, ISSN 2183-8399.
- Savoldi, F., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "Internet, social capital and e-inclusion in the post-conflict Belfast. Expectations of community workers". Journal of Urban Technology (JUT),Volume 21, Issue 3, 2014, pages 49-66, ISSN 1063-0732, DOI 10.1080/10630732.2014.940712
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "10 Recommendations on Smart Technologies and Cities", ENTER.HUB Newsletter, n5, June / July 2014.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "New Technologies - Smart Cities", UrbAct Thematic Expert Report, ENTER.HUB, European Network exploiting Territorial Effects of Railway Hubs, UrbAct December 2014
- Batista, Paulo. "Territory and housing based price models - Challenges in the design of decision process assessment tools". Trabalho apresentado em ENHR 2014 Conference, Edimburgo, 2014.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2014). "Inteligência Distribuida, ou Serviços Digitais dos Cidadãos para a Sociedade", Comunicação convidada, Painel 2: "Serviços Digitais para o Cidadão" , Conferência Rio Smart Cities 2014, Rio de Janeiro, 12-13 Maio 2014.
- Barbosa Neves, B. (2013). Social Capital & Internet Use: The Irrelevant, the Bad, and the Good. Sociology Compass, 7(8), 599-611
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. et al. (2013). "Projectos e-Planning - As Primeiras Jornadas / e-Planning Projects: The First Steps". C Press, ISBN 9789899866102
- Ferreira Jr., J., Diao, M. and Xu, J. (2013), "Estimating the Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Implications of Alternative Metropolitan Growth Scenarios Ð A Boston Example.", Transactions in GIS, Vol. 17, Issue 5, October 2013, Pages: 645Ð660.
- Savoldi, F. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "Technopolitic: sophistication and new dichotomies. The Governments' response to the activists, raises emerging issues", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012. ISSN 2229-5518.
- Barbosa Neves, B. (2012), Social Capital and Internet Usage: A Study in Lisbon, Tese de Doutoramento em Cincias Sociais na especialidade de Sociologia, ISCSP-UTL
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2012). "Les enjeux et les limites de la démocratie participative via les TIC". Séminaire 'Les TIC et la Ville de demain - Comment les technologies numériques transforment-elles la ville et les pratiques urbaines?', 28 Septembre 2012, JINU, Institut Franais d'Urbanisme, U. Paris, 2012
- Batista, Paulo; Gladys Castillo Jordan. "Attribute Selection in Hedonic Pricing Modeling applied to the Portuguese Urban Housing Market". Trabalho apresentado em 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisboa, 2011.
- Batista, Paulo; Elisabete Maria de Melo Figueiredo (2011). "Caminhos possiveis do rural em Portugal: As prioridades do novo programa de desenvolvimento rural". In O RURAL PLURAL - olhar o presente, imaginar o futuro. Portugal: 100Luz, 2011.
- Batista, Paulo; Elisabete Maria de Melo Figueiredo. "Caminhos possíveis do rural em Portugal: As prioridades do novo programa de desenvolvimento rural". Trabalho apresentado em IV Congresso de Estudos Rurais - Mundos Rurais em Portugal: Múltiplos Olhares, Múltiplos Futuros, 2010.
- Batista, Paulo. "Valuing ecosystem service losses from coastal erosion using a benefits transfer approach: a case study for the Central Portuguese coast". JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH (2009):
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2009). "TIC, Cidadania e Participação: A Tecnologia Não é Neutra". Conferência Internacional 'Cidadania Digital', Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 19 Março 2009.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2008), "e-Planning Agenda" , International ePlanning Colloquium, "Technology with Social Sciences", MIT-Portugal, ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 March 2008.
- Saeger, E., Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2007), "Preliminary results from EuroLifeNet 2006-2007 Campaigns: Political and Scientific Context", II International EuroLifeNet Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 1 June 2007.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2006), "EuroLifeNet: a Multidisciplinary Challenge on Environment-Education-Citizenship". APHEIS - Air Pollution-Health-Environment Information System Meeting, invited communication by the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of the Joint Research Centre (IES-JRC) of the European Comission, Ispra, Italy, 7 June 2006.
- Field, RA; Ballesta, P Pérez; Caracena, A Baeza; Nikolova, I; Connolly, R; Cao, N; Gerboles, M; Buzica, D; Amantini, L; Lagler, F; Borowiak, A; Marelli, L; De Santi, G; De Saeger, E; with, co-authored; Ferraz de Abreu, P.; et al (2005). "Population exposure to Air pollutants in Europe (PEOPLE) Methodological strategy and basic results". Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Ferraz de Abreu, P., Medina Silva, I., Fonseca, T. (2004), "CITIDEP Project 'PEOPLE-Citizenship', METROPOLIS Workshop: "Information - Communication - Awareness - Education", European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC-IES), Ispra, Italy, June 2004
- Fonseca, T., Ferraz de Abreu, P. , Costa, D., Liquito, C., Medina Silva, I. (2003), "Promoting citizenship in schools through an european environmental study and using new technologies: the PEOPLE-Citizenship project", International Conference on Public Participation and Information Technologies (ICPPIT03), MIT, USA, 10-12 November 2003
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2003), "Forest Management, Property Rights and Information Systems". In Regiones N°. 11, Spring 2003, pp. 120-140.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2002), "New Information Technologies in Public Participation: A Challenge to Old Decision-making Institutional Frameworks", Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, Dept. Urban Studies & Planning, Cambridge, USA, May 2002. - Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "GIS Technology: New threat to privacy, new promises for citizen empowerment", Journal of Participatory Science, 1(1), pp. 27-47, ISSN 2183-8399
- Rego, M. & Ferraz de Abreu, P. (eds). (2001). "Bibliotecas & Novas Tecnologias", Actas do Col—quio 'Bibliotecas & Novas Tecnologias: Como combater a info-exclus‹o', co-organizado pela Camara Municipal de Lisboa e pelo CITIDEP, 11. 12 e 13 de Outubro de 2000, Forum Lisboa. Edi‹o da Camara Municipal de Lisboa, Departamento de Cultura, 142 pags, ISBN 972-8695-06-3
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Alguns Desafios da Educação em Portugal na Era da Internet e da Democracia Participativa", in Frias Martins, A.M. (ed). 2001. A Investigação Portuguesa: Desafios de um novo milénio, II Encontro de Investigadores Portugueses, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Setembro 1998. Universidade dos Açores e Forum Internacional de Investigadores Portugueses - FIIP, Portugal. 168 pages, pp. 13-22.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Uma biblioteca pública numa sociedade de informação obcecada pelo mercado: desafios e oportunidades". 2001. Dept. de Cultura da Camara Municipal de Lisboa (Ed.). Colóquio Bibliotecas Publicas e Novas Tecnologias: Como combater a exclusão dos info-pobres? International Colloquium Public Libraries and New Technologies: How to fight info-poor exclusion?), Lisboa, Portugal, October 2000. 142 pages, pp. 9-17.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Towards a new framework for citizen mobility within modern democracy", Conferencia Internacional "Ciudadania Migrante y Democracia", Univ. Guanajuato, CICSUG - INAH, Mexico, 8-9 March 2001
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. & Joanaz de Melo, J. (eds). (2000). "Public Participation and Information Technologies 1999". DCEA-FCT-New University of Lisbon & CITIDEP, 600 pages. C-Press, ISBN 972-98617-0-6
- Ferraz de Abreu, P.; Joanaz de Melo, J. (2000), "Introducing New Information Technologies in Public Participation: Technology is the Easy Part", in Ferraz de Abreu & Joanaz de Melo (eds). 2000. Public Participation and Information Technologies 1999. CITIDEP & DCEA-FCT-New University of Lisbon. 599 pages, pp393-406.
- Ferreira Jr., J., (1999). "Information Technologies that Change Relationships between Low-Income Communities and the Public and Non-profit Agencies that Serve Them" , Ch. 7 in High Technology and Low-Income Communities, MIT Press, Schon, Mitchell, Sanyal (editors), MIT Press, Cambridge
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1999), "The impact of new technologies on Portuguese civil society", invited communication, Conference ÒContemporary Portugal: Reflecting on 25 years of DemocracyÓ, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture of the University of Massachusetts at Darthmouth, USA, October 2-3, 1999
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1998),Projecto IMS - Sistema Multimedia Inteligente para Apoio á Consulta Técnica e Pública", INETI & DGA-MARN & DCEA-FCT-UNL & CITIDEP, January 1998. 160pages
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1998), "An Engineer in the Land of Planning", CRPP, 1998, 1(1) pp. 11-16, ISSN 2183-8380
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. ; Chito, B. (1997) "Current Challenges in EIA Evaluation in Portugal, and the Role of New Information Technologies: -- The Case of S. João da Talha's Incinerator for Solid Urban Waste", in Machado, J. Reis & Ahern, Jack (eds). 1997. Environmental Challenges in an Expanding Urban World and the Role of Emerging Information Technologies. National Centre for Geographical Information (CNIG), Lisboa, Portugal. 538 pages, pp. 1-11.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1993), "Towards a Definition of Information Systems in Planning", MIT, DUSP - Dept of Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, USA. 1993, republished on Towards Information Systems in Planning, MIT (1993)
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1993) "The Bertaud Model: A two-way mirror on the evolution of information technology's impact on planning for low-income housing". Biennial International Housing Workshop, Cambridge, USA. November 1993.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1992) "The rude awakening of the recycling adventurers". The Breakfast Papers #2. MIT, DUSP - Dept of Urban Studies and Planning, Cambridge, USA. December 1992.
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (1989) "Intelligent Graphic Interface: Capturing rules of human-computer interaction in a knowledge base". M.S. Thesis. MIT, Media Lab-VLW, Cambridge, USA. September 1989. (...) work in progress
- Ferraz de Abreu, P. (2001), "Towards a new framework for citizen mobility within modern democracy", Conferencia Internacional "Ciudadania Migrante y Democracia", Univ. Guanajuato, CICSUG - INAH, Mexico, 8-9 March 2001