International e-Planning Workshop 2012:
"Citizens, Cities and Technology"
23 Abril 2012 (10h00 - 19h30)
Local: Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa
C6, room 6.2.56

The purpose of this Workshop is to showcase exciting and promising projects in the growing feld of e-Planning, to take measure of the state of the art in e-Planning and a glimpse of what's ahead, and finally to promote the exchange of projects, knowledge and experiences between e-Planners from several countries.
As always, inspired by MIT's Media Lab motto "Publish or Perish", but also "Demo or Die", this e-Planning Workshop intends to go beyond the traditional model of communication, creating both a space and an opportunity to see and refect the potential of tools, systems and approaches that we call "e-planning". This will be where communities and researchers meet to exchange, on an international level, their needs and their views on projects and approaches that are still under development.
Part I: Posters and
10h00 – registration
10h30 - 12h30
- Interactive project demonstrations and Poster session
Poster Session:
- Mutual campus: urban sustainable
street furniture integrating mobility
information of the campus Descartes
Roshanak Naderi, Master student, IFU, U. Paris
- Mutual campus: benchmark of
similar projects
Ulysse Lassaube, Master student, IFU, U. Paris
Luis Bexiga Calisto, Master student, FC-UL, Lisbon
Ana Filipa Ferreira Bastos, Graduate student, IDL / FC-UL, Lisbon
Edgar Barreira, Master student, FC-UL, Lisbon
Tomás Llorente Aguado, PhD student, Universidade Politecnica, Madrid
David Pera, PhD student, Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems of the University of Lisbon
Clarisse Magarreiro, PhD student, IDL-UL, Lisbon
- e-Planning Live Lab – Project “My neighbourhood, my home - support search tool for home buyers / renters”
Paulo Batista, e-Planning PhD student, UA, Aveiro
Francesca Savoldi, e-Planning PhD student, ISCSP-UTL, Lisbon
Ana Isabel Moiteiro, Jorge Saraiva Almeida, Isabel Oliveira, e-Planning PhD students, FCT-UNL, FCSH-UNL, Lisbon
Maria da Graça Moreira, Professor, Faculty of Architecture-UTL, Lisbon
- Digital Mediation for Public Participation
Luis Borges Gouveia, CAPP-TSG/UTL & Professor Univ. Fernando Pessoa, Porto
Interactive Project Demonstrations:
- Beecitiz, a citizen's tool
to solve the public road network's issues: the
experience of a participatory map offered by Paris' municipality.
The inhabitants don't take a large part in the management of the public space. A private software- Beecitiz – is used by Paris cityhall. This case study will be presented focused on the analysis of the role played by the different actors: the inhabitants, the municipality, the designers.
Aurore Bertrand et Yuan yuan Wang, Master students, IFU, U. Paris
- Cellnet – mobileHealth project proposal – Cabo Verde
Cátia Traça, Francesca Savoldi, ePlanning PhD students, ISCSP-UTL, Mario Carneiro, CITIDEP
Barbara Mauricio, ePlanning PhD candidate, ISCSP-UTL
- Documenta - apoio ao imigrante (Support for immigrants)
Tiago Prates, Suénia Brito, Lídia Namuto, Project in Political Science Lic., ISCSP-UTL
- MediaClick
Francisco Xavier, António Fernandes, ePlanning PhD students, ISCSP-UTL
Pedro Bentes Graça, e-Planning PhD student, ISCSP-UTL
Artur Afonso Sousa, PhD student Communication Sciences, Univ. Fernando Pessoa, Porto
12h30 – 14h00
Lunch break
Part II: Presentations
- Opening and welcome word by the Host & Workshop Chair
14h05 - 16h00
- Institutional remarks, ePlanning PhD + Master Programs & Research:
- José Manuel Pinto Paixão, Director of FC-UL
- João Abreu Bilhim, President of ISCSP-UTL (TBC)
- Fausto José Robalo Amaro, President of CAPP, ISCSP-UTL
- Cristina Catita, Coordinator of the ePlanning Task Force at FC-UL (PhD and Master on ePlanning)
- Bárbara Barbosa Neves, Coordinator of the ePlanning Task Force at ISCSP-UTL for ePlanning Master
- Valérie Aillaud, Coordinator of the “e-Planning” specialization (within the planning and transportation master degree) at IFU, U. Paris, and Head of regional development, tourism and innovation Unit at the Parisian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Paris
- Muriel Gavira, Coordinator of the ePlanning Task Force at UNICAMP, S. Paulo (vc)
- Joseph Ferreira Jr., Associate Head of DUSP-MIT (vc)
- Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, Coordinator of the Joint ePlanning PhD (UA, UTL, UNL, UL) and ePlanning PhD at ISCSP-UTL
16h00 - 16h15
Tea break
16h15 - 16h40
- Keynote speaker
- Mike Flaxman, Professor, DUSP-MIT, Partner, GeoAdaptive
“e-Planning: Recent Projects and Future Prospects”
What makes e-planning different than conventional planning? How does e-planning relate to GeoDesign, Landscape Urbanism and Landscape Ecology? What skills and approaches are needed to address these issues and prosper in the new information economy? The answers to these questions are still being formed. However, recent research at MIT and elsewhere begins to show some interesting patterns. Prof. Flaxman will describe a set of projects which span a range of issues and approaches. The MIT Everglades project used participatory spatial simulation modeling to develop "alternative futures" for a region and to assess their consequences. The "Emerging and Sustainable Cities Platform" sponsored by the Interamerican Bank is trying to develop new methods for evaluating sustainability, ultimately across 500 diverse cities. Recent student PhD work used agent-based modeling to explore water resources conflicts and to create scenarios collaboratively online. Prof. Flaxman will review these developments, and offer his assessment of future prospects for the field, and what students and faculty might be thinking about in terms of research opportunities and required supporting and coursework skills.
16h40 - 16h50
Questions / Discussion
16h50 - 18h30
- Sample Communications from e-Planning students representing teams from France, Italy, Spain, USA, Brasil, and Portugal.
- “The Dilemma of Online Participation: The Imagine Austin Case"
Robert Goodspeed, PhD Student, M.I.T. Department of Urban Studies and Planning (vc)
- “Impact of digital asymmetries in territorial cohesion” – Thesis Proposal
Marta Sousa Rocha, ePlanning PhD student, ISCSP-UTL
- “Are digital technologies
usefull for public participation in urban planning projects?”
Alexina Fornasari, former president and founder of the "junior enterprise" at
IFU-U.Paris, & project manager at the Parisian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- Mutual campus "A smart
and sustainable information management system for a
campus which works / walks"
Manon Richerme, Master student, IFU, U. Paris
- " e-Literacy, schools and municipalities towards a common goal: e-citizenship"
Tania Fonseca, PhD ePlanning student, ISCSP-UTL & ITE, U. London (vc)
- "Coastal Management for Municipal Planning" - PhD Project
Rita Matildes, FC-UL (Dep. de Geologia + Dep. de Engenharia Geográfica, Geofísica e Energia)
- "4CITYPLAN: Towards an urban planning tool driven by OWL ontologies" - PhD Project
Nuno Montenegro, UL (FC – Dep. de Informática) & UTL (Arquitecture)
18h30 – 18h45
Questions / Discussion
18h45 – 19h00
- Quick review of on-going e-Planning projects
- Single-Slide roadmap of PhD projects, posters and demonstrations (Workshop Poster & Interactive Demos)
Part III: Poster Session, Demonstrations & e-Planning Networking
19h00 – 19h30
Networking and final opportunity to interact with posters and demonstrations.
Workshop closing
Registration: http://www.e-planning.org/workshop2012registration.html
Contact: eplanning2011@gmail.com
Chair: Pedro Ferraz de Abreu (ISCSP-UTL)
Co-Chair: Cristina Catita (FC-UL)

Institutional Organization Support:

Participating Universities: