Greetings, Here is the current structure of the relational model used to map e-Planning. Naturally, we only fill in a few of those fields for now. ------- e-Planning representation model, version 1.1 ----- A - Units (files, filemaker or excel): 1) Topics (alias Issues) 2) People 3) Institutions (alias Entities) 4) References B - Fields (or columns) for each unit record: 1) Topics (alias Issues) topic_class (not needed for now) topic_subclass (not needed for now) topic_parent (not needed for now) topic_children (not needed for now) topic (terms or concepts - see document on canonical forms) topic_alias (e.g. acronym of topic) topic_description topic_keywords (terms, from our vocabulary*, one keyword per line) topic_people (only names, but full exact name, one name per line) topic_questions (one single research question per line, always ending with ?) topic_author (your own name) --- * vocabulary seed generated through our brainstorming 2) People people_name (full exact name) people_referencename (family name as in bibliography quotes) people_email people_web people_cell_tel people_home_tel people_home_street people_home_city people_home_state people_home_zip people_home_country people_affiliation (main institution, exact full name) people_affiliation_division (or department) people_affiliation_position people_work_tel people_work_officeID (number, code, or internal adress) people_affiliation_others (only names, but exact full names, one per line) people_contact (name of person that you have contact with and that has direct contact with "people_name"; yourself, if it is the case) 3) Institutions (alias Entities) institution (full, exact name) institution_alias (e.g acronym, like MIT) institution_email institution_web institution_tel institution_fax institution_street institution_city institution_state institution_zip institution_country institution_divisions (alias departments) institution_type (private/public, education/business/etc, etc) 4) References reference_kind (book, paper, report, multimedia doc, etc.) reference_title reference_entry (chicago convention e.g. family name, first inicial, [idem for co-authors], year. ex. Shapiro, P. 1998) reference_author (first author, full exact name) reference_coauthors (list of exact full names) reference_year reference_editor reference_language reference_topics (one per line, must be exact text as listed in field "topic" of file "Topics") reference_keywordsÊ (terms, from our vocabulary*, one keyword per line) ------------ end of model ------------------- If you will be using excel files: a) first line must be column (field) name; b) order of columns is irrelevant, use only columns you want to fill in now; c) do not use tabs inside text; d) if inserting multiple lines in each cell is a problem, use commas to separate "lines", but don't leave space between items. I will be merging into a filemaker data base, and I will distribute it to those using FM. Any doubts or suggestions, don't hesitate to ask / call me. Try to fill in some during or after friday sessions, if you can. You can begin by inserting your own prepared questions :) Pedro -- ========================= Pedro Ferraz de Abreu, PhD MIT-DUSP (Dept. Urban Studies and Planning) Office 9-516 / Tel. 617 324 1905 =========================